The goal of this training experience is to provide participants with the opportunity to learn the theory and practice of Gestalt Therapy. Participants explore new areas of professional development while gaining new tools and an expanded vision to explore the interpersonal relationship with greater effectiveness and depth.


We are currently accepting applications for our next Two-year Training Program.

We are now accepting applications for the KAPPA Cohort that begins in September 2025

Please check this space for announcements of KAPPA Cohort Selection Meetings or call Dr. Petrone 412-310-7180

The 2023-2025 Program (Iota Cohort) will marked the 44th year of Gestalt training in Pittsburgh and it will be the twenty-fifth graduating class of Gestalt professionals.

Mission Statement
The mission of the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh is educate, enlighten an excite individuals and trainees about the theory, integration and application of Gestalt therapy. We provide the highest quality programs to individuals seeking training, personal development and support for their professional and personal endeavors. The Institute is guided by belief in the wholeness of human experience, adherence to the highest ethical standards and support of social justice values.


This program gives participants time and opportunity to acquire and practice the skills necessary to integrate Gestalt theory and methodology into their current professional and personal style.

The 200-hour training program is staffed by The Faculty of the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh.

The members of the faculty of the Pittsburgh Gestalt Therapy Training Program for Professionals are practicing therapists with over 35 years of experience. They have earned certificates for completing 2-year Gestalt Training programs and have participated in advanced Gestalt training for more than 30 years. There will also be a designated Faculty Intern who is a graduate of both the Two Year Training and the Institutes’ Advanced Training Program.

  • Thomas Petrone, Ed.D. Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Professional Counselor
  • Maura Krushinski, Ed.D. Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Professional Counselor
  • Kristy Carnahan, LPC, NCC
  • Connie Kramer. LPC, NCC

Program Overview
Training occurs in a group format that is educational, not therapeutic in nature. However, we expect each participant to develop their capacity for self-integration, as well as, their ability to work within and contribute to group learning.

There are 14 training weekends conducted over two academic years:

  • Year I: Introduction of the Gestalt Model including the contact boundary and its interruptions; practical problems of therapy with constructive solutions; awareness continuum, personal and professional growth; and therapeutic theory and implications.
  • Year II: Implementation of the Gestalt Therapy Model includes developing application and personal style into therapy practice, professional performance; confidence expansion; building a firm theoretical base to support and increase the repertoire of therapeutic response; increased personal and professional awareness of group dynamics, couple and family systems.

Program Goal
The overall goal of this training program is to provide participants with the opportunity to learn the theory and practice of Gestalt Therapy. Participants explore new areas of professional development while gaining new tools and an expanded vision to explore the interpersonal relationship with greater effectiveness and depth.

Who Should Apply
Individuals who are seeking to enhance their personal and professional skills. Those who have earned a Masters level degree or equivalent life experience. We welcome mental health and other healing professionals, members of the medical, legal and educational communities, artists, authors, participants in support programs and other professional growth training programs. We strive to build and extend the Gestalt community in Pittsburgh with a value of variety in life experience, as well as gender, age, race, religion, ideologies and socio-economic diversity.

We are pleases to announce that we will continue to offer this Training Program for $5,800. There are a limited number of work study/internship opportunities and a reasonable payment schedule.

How to Apply
The application process begins with attendance at one of our selection/information meetings. The meetings provide an opportunity to meet with members of the faculty, the faculty intern and other applicants. Program information is provided and applicants have an opportunity to both ask questions and to share their motivation and interest in the Training Program.



Statement on Multicultural Considerations and Equitability
The field-theoretical and the phenomenological tenets as well as the principles of holism take, per definition, cultural differences into consideration. Implicit in its field-theoretical understanding is the fact that human beings are not islands but impacted by social influences as well as impactful on others. With respect to the existential field, each person shares a world with others in a variety of ways contributing to meaning and value. (Kirchner, 2000). As such the Administrative staff and faculty of the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh are dedicated to conveying respect to all program participants without bias toward gender, physical disability, culture, ethnic origin, spiritual/religious orientation, sexual orientation or other personal differences. It is the expectation of the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh that all program participants will exercise the same principles.

Statement on Evaluation Process
The Institute faculty will consider the following key elements when determining each trainee’s eligibility for and/or graduation from the program:

  • Attendance and course participation
  • Satisfactory completion of assignments
  • Ongoing faculty assessment of work and presentations
  • Peer input and evaluation
  • Student self-evaluation

Statement on Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy explains the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh’s treatment of your personally identifiable information collected in connection with your activities with the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh and its website. This Privacy Policy also explains how you can ask questions and make suggestions about our privacy practices and review and update your personal information.

We urge you to read the Privacy Policy carefully and to check back periodically as this Privacy Policy may change from time to time. Please note
that this Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of companies or websites, which are not owned or controlled by the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh.

Schedule – September 2023 – April 2025  (IOTA Cohort) Exact dates to be determined

All Two day weekends – schedule: Saturday 9 to 5 and Sunday 9 to 4

Training Objectives

  • Describe in detail the three main components of the Gestalt psychotherapeutic approach, namely phenomenological-existential theory, field theory, and organismic metabolism.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in and conduct essential Gestalt interventions including orienting/awareness techniques, integration techniques (empty chair, polarity identification), and projective techniques (dream analysis, fantasy/metaphor visualization exercises) within the context of culturally responsive and trauma informed application.
  • Demonstrate and practice at least two essential Gestalt experiential group interventions, including experiments that practice gestalt system group techniques.

Continuing Education Credit:

The Two Year training Program offers the opportunity to earn 200 Continuing Education credits through APA and NBCC. There is no provision for making up missed hours, and CE credit will not be awarded for partial attendance. Credit is awarded for each weekend completed in its entirety.

The Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh is approved to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. GIP maintains responsibility for this program and its content. The Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5069. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. GIP is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.

Refund Policy:

Please refer to the financial contract for the cancellation and refund policy of GIP programs. 


Neither faculty members nor The Gestalt Institute is funded by any entity who would benefit from the presentation of this program.

Please direct application inquiries to Dr. Thomas Petrone: or call 412-310-7180



The Advanced Training Program of the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh is a graduate level program that incorporates advanced theory, practical and experiential learning, case consultation and personal and professional development. It provides an in-depth examination of the theoretical underpinnings of Gestalt therapy and techniques that build upon what was provided in the Two Year Gestalt Training Program for Professionals.

The Advanced Training Program is comprised of 8 weekends focusing on intensive learning and practice in the application of Gestalt Therapy. As we explore the curriculum we will focus on topics including specialty treatment areas such as couples and family therapy, addiction, abuse, trauma, diversity, body process, suicidality and ethics. These areas are of special interest to our faculty who will presentation them with theory, practice and supervision.

We will begin accepting applications in January 2023.  If you are interested in applying please contact Dr. Petrone at or call Dr. Maura Krushinski 412-310-5737or Dr. Tom Petrone 412-310-7180. We are looking forward to talking with you about this unique learning experience.

Mission Statement:  The mission of the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh is educate, enlighten and excite trainees about the theory, integration and application of Gestalt therapy.  Our Faculty provides the highest quality programs to individuals seeking training, personal development and support for their professional and personal endeavors.  The Institute is guided by belief in the wholeness of human experience, adherence to the highest ethical standards and support of social justice values.

Program Description:  This program provides participants the time and opportunity to develop and practice the foundational skills they acquired in a Two Year Training in Gestalt Therapy at an advanced level.  It supports development from a practitioner of Gestalt theory and skills to becoming a more senior and more accomplished Gestalt therapist.  The advanced program offers the opportunity for theoretical inquiry, skill development and personal growth experience necessary to integrate Gestalt theory and methodology into each therapist’s personal and professional therapeutic style.

Admission Requirements:  *All applications for enrollment are reviewed on an individual, case-by-case basis.

The Advanced training program is designed for mental health professionals who:

  • Have successfully completed and earned a certificate from a Two Year training program in Gestalt therapy or the equivalent course of studies at a Gestalt Institute (approved by GIP)
  • Are practicing professionals in direct service or administrative roles in the public or private mental health sector, as well as professionals employed in positions that deal with employees’ emotional and mental health concerns, including but not limited to:
  • Qualified mental health professionals holding a degree in their respective field at a Masters and/or Doctoral degree level.
  • Licensed human services professionals including Psychologists, Social Workers, Licensed Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family therapists 
  • Teachers and school counselors in both educational and community settings.
  • Graduate students preparing for professional careers in mental health disciplines, behavioral sciences, or in the area of human services in which Gestalt methods would be a relevant extension of basic professional competence.
  • Professionals who are practicing law and specializing in mediation services
  • Other Two Year Program graduates who are not practicing mental health professionals but meet the basic criteria for admission

Statement on Multicultural Considerations and Equitability:

The field-theoretical and the phenomenological tenets as well as the principles of holism take, per definition, cultural differences into consideration. Implicit in its field-theoretical understanding is the fact that human beings are not islands but impacted by social influences as well as impactful on others. With respect to the existential field, each person shares a world with others in a variety of ways contributing to meaning and value. (Kirchner, 2000). As such the faculty of the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh are dedicated to conveying respect to all program participants without bias toward gender, physical disability, culture, ethnic origin, spiritual/religious orientation, sexual orientation or other personal differences.  It is the expectation of the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh that all program participants will exercise the same principles.

Statement on Evaluation Process:

The Institute faculty will consider the following key elements when determining each trainee’s eligibility for successful completion of the program and diploma:

  • Attendance and participation
  • Ongoing faculty assessment 
  • Peer input and evaluation
  • Student self-evaluation

Statement on Privacy Policy:

This Privacy Policy explains the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh’s treatment of your personally identifiable information collected in connection with your activities with the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh and its website. This Privacy Policy also explains how you can ask questions and make suggestions about our privacy practices and review and update your personal information.

We urge you to read the Privacy Policy (listed in full on our website) carefully and to check back periodically as this Privacy Policy may change from time to time. Please note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of companies or websites, which are not owned or controlled by the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh.


Tuition for the Advanced Gestalt Training for Professionals Program is $2,300.00

Payment options are:

  1. One payment of $2000. Due no later than the beginning of the training ($300 savings)
  1. Two payments of $1100. ($2200) First payment due by the first weekend and second payment due the fifth weekend.  ($100 Savings)
  2. 8 payments of $287.50 due at the beginning of each training weekend

If you require a different payment schedule, contact us to discuss options ASAP

Please note payment can be paid by cash, or check without any extra fees.  PayPal, Venmo or credit card payments are accepted but may require a processing fee.

Please refer to the enclosed Financial Contract for complete payment details

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe in detail advanced understanding of three main components of the Gestalt psychotherapeutic approach, namely phenomenological-existential theory, field theory, and organismic metabolism.
  • Demonstrate advanced proficiency in and conduct essential Gestalt interventions including orienting/awareness techniques, integration techniques (empty chair, polarity identification), and projective techniques (dream analysis, fantasy/metaphor visualization exercises) within the context of culturally responsive and trauma informed application.
  • Demonstrate and practice advanced proficiency in at least two essential Gestalt experiential group interventions, including group experiments, within the context of a Gestalt systems approach to group dynamics.

Program Overview and Schedule:  Hours – Saturdays 9 to 5 and Sundays 9 to 4

Program Schedule: 

  • Module One:                          Group Orientation/Contact Styles
  • Module Two:                          Theoretical grounding/Ethics
  • Module Three:                       Clinical Intentionality/Use of the Gestalt Cycle
  • Module Four:                        Group Process/Systems
  • Module Five:                Trauma/Addiction
  • Module Six:                             Body Process/Creative Arts
  • Module Seven:                       Supervision/Clinical Intentionality
  • Module Eight:  Completing the Cycle – Review and Preparation for the 


Curriculum Overview Gestalt

  1. Group Orientation
  • Expectations
  • Contact Styles – review and self-awareness
  • What do you remember from your training?
  • Do you use the theory in your practice – exclusively or blended
  • Group Process
  1. Theoretical grounding
  • Phenomenology/Existential underpinnings
  • Figure/ground
    • Figure formation
  • Figure frenzy
    • Multiple figures
    • Ground understanding
  • Ethics and integrity
  1. Clinical Intentionality
  • Diagnosis and treatment planning/Suicidality
  • Use of the Cycle of Experience – self and others
  • Use of the experiment
  • What makes the work Gestalt Therapy?
  1. Group Process
  • Couples
  • Families
  • Systems
  • Organizations
  • Diversity
  1. Trauma
  • Integrated victimization
  • Resiliency
  • Neurology
  • Addiction
  1. Body Process
  • Creative Arts
  • Human Sexuality
  1. Supervision
  • Review of above topics
  • Shared Clinical questions/feedback
  1. Completing the Cycle – Review and Preparation for the Future
  • What comes next/Being a Gestalt Therapist?
  • Staying connected to the theory
  • Group process

**Please note that content on Ethics and Suicidality that is required for licensed Mental Health professionals will be presented during the training in a format that will offer 3 CE credits for ethics and 1 credit for suicidality and suicide prevention at no additional cost.

Program Format:

  • Eight 12.0 contact hour training modules that include:
  • Education: Lecture, discussion, practice
  • Practicum: Skill development learning lab – Triadic format supervised practice
  • Personal growth and development: Support for personal growth and development


This Advanced training program is staffed by The Faculty of the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh.  The members of the faculty of the Pittsburgh Gestalt Therapy Training Program for Professionals are practicing therapists with a broad base of experience and in-depth study of Gestalt Therapy.  They have earned certificates for completing 2-year Gestalt Training programs and have completed advanced Training in Gestalt.

  • Thomas Petrone, Ed.D.  Licensed Psychologist, LPC, NCC
  • Maura Krushinski,D.  Licensed Psychologist, LPC, NCC, Approved Clinical Supervisor
  • Kristy Carnahan MS.E.D., LPC, NCC
  • Connie Kramer MS.E.D. LPC, NCC

Requirements for Acceptance:

  • 2 year training certificate
  • Faculty interview
  • Completed non-refundable application, and application fee
  • Financial contract

Continuing Education Credit:

The Advanced program offers the opportunity to earn 96 Continuing Education credits through APA and NBCC. There is no provision for making up missed hours, and CE credit will not be awarded for partial attendance. Credit is awarded for each weekend completed in its entirety.

The Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. GIP maintains responsibility for this program and its content. The Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5069. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. GIP is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.

Neither faculty members nor The Gestalt Institute is funded by any entity who would benefit from the presentation of this program.

Refund Policy:

Please refer to the financial contract for the cancellation and refund policy of GIP programs.